Simple tips to learn Adobe Photoshop.

The keys of Adobe Photoshop, are its tools palette, layers, adjustment layers, blend mask, blend modes, and its filters, and the engine of all of that, your imagination and creativity.

Basic knowledge:

To learn Adobe Photoshop, you have to know about every tool, how to use it, and when to use it, you have to understand the concept of layers, how to use blending mask, how to apply blending modes, how to adjust the different adjustment layers and of course how to use the filters.

Basic knowledge
Adobe Photoshop

One by one:

Thinking about it, it is somehow a long process, if one tries to learn them one by one because, in Adobe Photoshop, you will never work with one tool a time, in every work you want to achieve you will use multiple tools one after the other, you will deal with many layers, different adjustment layers and blending modes and sometimes filters, to accomplish the creation, modification or manipulation, you want to realize.

So the best thing you can do is learning through Youtube tutorials, or blogs tutorials, there are millions of tutorials on the internet, from the beginners level to advanced, there are also specific Youtube channels for that, so what you have to do is:

1 – Redoing Tutorials:

Take any tutorial on YouTube, starting with the easy ones of course, and so on according to your level, and try to redo them step by step, this way you’re going to deal with different options every time you see a new tutorial.

Or the one I prefer:

2 – Using self imagination and creativity:

When reaching a certain level, Try to think about some basic and easy things you want to realize and search for how to solve issues and problems you face at every step. Doing this many times allows you to deal precisely with what you need in each work. The best advantage that you can gain from this is training your imagination and creativity until you reach the point where you can realize anything that comes to your mind without seeing any tutorial.

This is according to my humble experience and how I learned Adobe Photoshop, and how I am still learning it.


Keep in mind that, Adobe Photoshop is about practice, practice, and practice, be patient and consistent, be creative., and don’t worry about mastering Adobe Photoshop, because no one masters it 100%.

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