IoT, Internet of Things

IoT, internet of things.
Internet of Things
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In the beginning, when the internet had become publicly accessible, people could only enter the World Wide Web via PC’s personal computers, the first computers designed for public use, and some early gadgets like PDA’s.

Decades after that, technology has developed and then came the smartphones and tablets, which with the availability of social networks, launched the era of the internet’s massive use. 

Since then, more and more newly developed gadgets have been connecting to the internet, connected smartwatches, connected bracelets, connected glasses, connected game consoles, and even more in the last few years, smart houses (appliances, pieces of furniture, smart electric meters), connected robots, connected cars, connected trucks, connected drones and the number of connected objects is increasing year after year, according to reports, in 2020 there are about 50 billion connected objects.

All those connected things, interchanging data between each other and the internet, created the “IoTInternet of Things“.

So, in general, the IoT means, the interconnection between the internet and objects, places, and physical environments, generating and interchanging huge amounts of data or what we call now (big data).

More technically, the internet of things is:” a network of networks which with standardized and unified electronic identification systems, and wireless mobile devices, allows direct identification of digital entities and physical objects, and so recover, store, transfer and treat without discontinuity their interchanged data.”, definition by: Pierre-Jean Benghozi, Sylvain Bureau et Françoise Massit-Folléa (MSH Edition ) .

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